Is Your Property Up To Code?

If you are a business owner looking to reside around the Miami Lakes, FL area, then chances are you have considered an older building as your commercial property. Before starting to operate, you must pass inspections with local code ordinances. Ensure you pass these codes with the following maintenance practices, no matter which building you are leasing/purchasing. 

Have the Wiring Updated

Most of the older buildings in this area have not undergone a full electrical upgrade. Safety and productivity need to have the building rewired to match current codes and the needs of your business. Older systems were not as safe and did not have as much power as newer systems. When these buildings are rewired, your electrician will follow the most recent set of ordinances at the city and county levels.

Add Railings to the Property

Anywhere you have steps or stairs inside and outside the building, you need to ensure secure and not broken railings. These allow guests and employees to travel safely and avoid any liability claims that could come your way. Regular maintenance on these railings will ensure they are secure and not falling. 

Pave Your Parking Lot

Businesses today are required to have an outline for parking, and it must be paved, painted, and secured before the business can open. Many older buildings have gravel lots that need to be paved and marked with the appropriate measurements for each car. For safety reasons, ensure you have handicapped parking and a loading area for this parking. 

If you are a business owner in the Miami Lakes, FL area and want to renew or purchase commercial insurance, our Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC team is ready to assist you with a quote today. 

Just Have a New Child? What to Do With Your Home Insurance

Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC provides Miami Lakes, FL, residents with a broad range of support options to improve their home protection. For example, adding your new baby to a home insurance policy can ensure that protection is as broad as possible for your family’s needs.

You Must Extend the Policy to Your Child 

When you bring a new child into your home, it’s critical to ensure your insurance company knows. Letting them add your child to your policy can ensure that it fully extends to your little one and ensures that they get the support necessary to stay safe. 

It should also bring a little peace of mind to you and your family. Just think about it: if you know that your child is protected, you’ll likely sleep a little better at night. That’s the kind of relaxation you deserve and an important step to make your family happy and comfortable.

Why It’s Important to Take This Step 

A typical homeowner’s insurance policy is designed to protect a home’s dwelling, its content, and various liability issues. If you don’t extend their protection to your baby specifically, there’s a real risk that your insurance might not cover anything that happens to them. 

Furthermore, it’s a legal necessity to take this step, and failing to do so could actually cause real financial and legal problems. Thankfully, it’s fairly easy to adjust your policy, so make sure that you reach out to a high-quality insurance team to get the best support possible for your needs. 

Reach Out to Us Today 

Talk to our Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC team in Miami Lakes, FL, to get the help you need. We’ll adjust your policy to suit your child’s needs and ensure you’re covered. It’s essential to take these steps seriously to ensure your little one gets the help they need.

The Value of Recreational Insurance if You Go Off-Road

Recreational insurance is a relatively new concept for the vast majority of individuals. When it comes to recreational insurance, the target market is going to be folks who do things such as go off-road with vehicles for leisure. The team we have put together at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC is in a position to work with you to ensure you have proper coverage to go off-road in Miami Lakes, FL and abroad.

 Understanding Recreational Insurance

You need to understand what recreational insurance is in order to have it be meaningful. When you are talking about recreational insurance, an off-road recreational insurance policy will include damage to the vehicle, as well as any equipment you use to transport the vehicle. Coverage on the vehicle itself as well as damages for injuries and liability are in play as well.  

When it comes to recreational insurance, verification of coverage is critical. You need to understand your needs and make a determination that recreational insurance can help you stay protected. If that is the case, and you are going to go on an off-road adventure, buy insurance so you can do it with peace of mind.

Making the Move to Buy

Whether you are making the move to go off-road for the first time or you intend to do it routinely in the future, you want to have insurance coverage. Recreational insurance is your answer when doing off-road in Miami Lakes, FL and elsewhere across the United States. If you want to learn more, talk to our team at the Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC to build a knowledge base and act on those needs.

Types Of Renters Insurance

Renter’s insurance, also known as tenant insurance, covers unexpected circumstances when renting a property.

Possible Types of Renter Insurance defined are:

  • Natural Disasters
  • Theft
  • Vandalism

While Florida does not require renter’s insurance, we at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC highly recommend this kind of insurance for your protection. 

Florida has a variety of natural disasters, for example, hurricanes, windstorms, mudslides, and even tornados to name a few.

Additionally, theft is a real issue, even when nature stays peaceful. Maybe a valuable large item or two is taken or maybe coming home from vacation your whole place has been cleaned out. Either way, finding out a thief has made off with property you paid hard-earned money for is so frustrating especially if you haven’t got funds to replace it

Sometimes even the surrounding walls or floors have been damaged. Vandals who don’t even steal anything might punch holes, deface walls, or burn something.

Coverage in Miami Lakes, FL adheres to state requirements. However, the coverage range also depends on your needs and specific situation.

Aside from personal property types of renter’s insurance  and coverage, your policy might or might not include:

  • Medical Protection-Coverage over non-residents who are injured in your home.
  • Liability-Coverage when someone on your policy causes injury or damage to another.
  • Loss of Use-Coverage in the event your residence is unlivable after an emergency event 

Schedule A Consultation Today

Serving Miami City, FL and surrounding communities, we at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC can advise you on any policy or coverage you might need. We’ll explore your options based on your needs and Florida rental Insurance law. There is no need for you to stress over renter’s insurance – contact us for more information.

Understanding Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Types

Motorcycle insurance refers to a specific type of coverage designed to offer financial protection for motorcycle owners and riders should they be involved in an accident, theft, or another covered incident involving their motorcycle. For additional information regarding motorcycle insurance for riders in and around Miami Lakes, FL, contact Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC today.

Understanding Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

Similar to car insurance, motorcycle insurance provides coverage for various risks and liabilities that can happen when operating or owning a motorcycle.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is typically mandatory. It offers coverage for another’s bodily injury and property damage if you’re at fault in a motorcycle accident.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage reimburses insured individuals for motorcycle repairs, independent of who is at fault.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage offers financial protection (for repairs/replacement) when and if the motorcycle is damaged from a non-collision incident which may include –

  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Fire
  • Natural Disasters
  • Falling Objects, to name a few.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

If involved in an accident with an underinsured driver or without insurance, this covers lost wages, medical costs, property damage, etc.

Medical Payments Coverage

This coverage helps to pay medical expenses for you/your passengers after an accident, despite who caused the accident. Personal Injury Protection is similar and offers more extensive coverage.

Additional coverage is available for motorcycle owners and riders as follows –

  • Accessory Coverage.
  • Roadside Assistance Coverage.
  • Rental Reimbursement Coverage.
  • Gap Insurance – If you owe more on a bike loan than its market value – if totaled, gap insurance pays the difference.  

Schedule A Consultation Today!

For additional information regarding motorcycle coverage options, contact the insurance professionals at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC in Miami Lakes, FL

Does Boat Insurance Cover Me if I Have an Accident in International Waters?

When you own an ocean-capable vessel like a sturdy sailboat or specialized fishing yacht, you might want to explore and take it where you want. And if you live in Miami Lakes, FL with your boat going out of one of Miami’s harbors, you have a lot of places to explore!

With the right boat and preparations, boaters from here can make it to Caribbean locations like the Bahamas in a day with the right weather conditions. However, one of the preparations you should consider before setting sail for such a voyage is whether or not your insurance policy will cover you in international waters.

Does Boat Insurance Cover Me in International Waters?

The short answer to this question is that most basic boating insurance policies will not cover you in international waters. For collision and comprehensive boating insurance in international waters, you will have to purchase an add-on international waters coverage policy, such as the type we offer here at Jet Stream Insurance Group, LLC.

The reason why most insurance policies won’t cover international waters is that most boats aren’t equipped to readily take on the challenges of open water. The risks are therefore too high for more insurers to readily take on. Thus, insurance for international waters tends to require policyholders to show proof of their vessel’s capabilities.

We Are Here To Help!

The domestic and federal waters around Florida differ greatly from where they extend further up north where there is no close proximity to island nations like the Bahamas and Cuba. Generally, from Miami, you can go about three geographical miles from shore and still be covered by your boating insurance policy without special international clauses.

Learn more about this and what’s covered by contacting our in Miami Lakes, FL team at Jet Stream Insurance Group, LLC. 

What Types of Perils Does Flood Insurance Not Cover?

Miami Lakes, FL residents can benefit from purchasing flood insurance when residing in low-lying areas, and most government-backed lenders will require this indemnification when living in a flood plane.

Flood Insurance Exclusions

Flooding is defined as water that first touches the ground before entering your property on land that is generally not wet, and that exceeds a space of two acres or more. This does not apply to leaky roofs, for example, that can create situations involving mold, mildew, or rot.

Your flood insurance will generally not extend to plumbing problems, such as burst pipes or major leaks. Your Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC representative can go into greater detail as to which scenarios would be covered. 

After a flood event, the ground will often settle and can threaten the integrity of the structure at its foundation. Though this can wreak havoc, this occurrence is generally considered the movement of the earth and is usually beyond the scope of what your flood insurance coverage will entail. 

You may also incur additional costs related to relocation, and these will typically be out of pocket for you. If your property becomes uninhabitable while it undergoes repairs, you may need to spend money moving and securing another domicile on a temporary basis. 

If your home is the location of your business, you may experience interrupted income potential, another consequence of the flooding event but one that generally falls outside the purview of your indemnification. Damage to outdoor structures may also be your responsibility. 

Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC Can Help You

We provide insurance packages to suit your needs and invite you to reach out to us today by phone, online, or in person. We serve those living in the Miami Lakes, FL region and look forward to working with you. 

I have insurance already. Do I really need umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance from Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC is an additional layer of insurance coverage that goes above and beyond what your existing policy provides. While you may already have some level of insurance here in the Miami Lakes, FL area, umbrella insurance can provide extra protection when the limits of your current policy are reached. 

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is designed to protect you in case you’re sued for damages or injury caused by you, your family, or any other person covered under the policy. It can help cover legal costs related to settlements or judgments, as well as any other associated costs like medical expenses. 

It’s important to note that umbrella insurance is not a substitute for other types of coverage, such as auto or home insurance. It’s meant to provide additional protection when your existing policies are reached, helping you stay financially secure in the event of unexpected financial hardship. 

Ultimately, whether or not you need umbrella insurance depends on your circumstances. Think about how much coverage you currently have and if it would be enough to cover potential liabilities in the event of a lawsuit. If not, then umbrella insurance may be a good option to consider in order to ensure you’re fully protected from financial loss due to unforeseen events. 

Reach Out To Us

For more information, give us at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC a call today. We are proud to serve the Miami Lakes, FL area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets both your needs and your budget. So don’t wait! Give us a call today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Condo Insurance

There are many types of insurance available on the market. Auto insurance, health insurance, and home insurance are the most well-known types of insurance. There is insurance for pretty much anything imaginable, including condo insurance. Jet Stream Insurance Group, LLC in Miami Lakes, FL is here to help you navigate this important coverage. Below, we have answered some of the most commonly asked questions about condo insurance.

Condo Insurance FAQs

Here are the most common questions about condo insurance and the answers to those questions.

What is condo insurance?

Condo insurance covers the part of the condo that the owner owns. It is similar to homeowner’s insurance, but it doesn’t cover the outside property or land.

How is condo insurance different from home insurance?

Condo insurance only covers the inner structure of the condo and the owner’s belongings. The outside structure and the outer property are covered by the HOA’s master policy. Home insurance covers the inner and outer parts of the home plus any other structures that are on the property. Home insurance also covers what happens on the outside of the dwelling.

Why do I need condo insurance?

In most cases, HOA requires condo owners to have condo insurance. Without condo insurance, you could be responsible for a lot of costs out of pocket. Here is an example of how condo insurance is beneficial. Let’s say you walk into your home and find that someone has broken in. 

You assess the damage and find that one of your appliances was broken or damaged. You file a claim with your insurance company and are compensated for the damage to your appliance. You then use that money to get a replacement appliance. All you have to pay is the deductible instead of the full cost of the appliance.

Reach Out To Us

These are just a few of the many questions people have about condo insurance. For more information about condo insurance or to get a quote, contact us at Jet Stream Insurance Group, LLC in Miami Lakes, FL.

Four rules to follow when you buy auto insurance

Motorists in Miami Lakes, FL can get auto insurance coverage from Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC. When you purchase auto insurance, there are a few important rules to follow.

Here are four rules to follow when you buy auto insurance: 

Don’t just meet minimum coverage requirements

You’re only legally required to purchase enough coverage to satisfy the minimum liability coverage requirements. In Florida, minimum requirements are $10,000 in personal injury protection and at least $10,000 in property damage liability coverage. 

If you really want to protect yourself financially, you should purchase more than just enough coverage for the minimum requirements. Otherwise, you could find yourself heavily in debt if you end up at fault in a bad accident. 

Include collision coverage on your policy

Some motorists are tempted to just get liability coverage because they are not required to purchase collision coverage by law. However, it’s best to purchase collision coverage so that you know that damages to your own vehicle will be covered. 

Provide accurate information on your driving history

Be sure to give honest and accurate information about your driving history to auto insurance providers. Auto insurance companies will probably check your driving record and find out about any infractions anyway, so honesty is the best policy. 

Always shop around

Motorists should also get multiple quotes before they buy a policy. When you have a few quotes that you can compare, you can make sure that you’re getting a good deal on your auto insurance policy. 

We Are Here To Help

If you’d like to learn more about auto insurance and get a quote on a policy, contact us at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC. We’ll answer all your questions about covering your vehicle in Miami Lakes, FL.